Practical Strategies
In this section you will find practical strategies for dealing with the most common issues that teachers face in their classrooms. The issues, and the strategies for handling them, are all ones identified and shared by teachers at my training courses. Click on the problem to see the strategies for each area.
Low level disruption
Students being argumentative with each other
Pacing lessons so that students retain focus
Motivating boys to write
Tapping/wandering while you are talking
How do I know when to deal with/ignore behaviour?
Getting the class back to you
Arrogant/don’t care/poor attitude
Arguing back
Calling out/shouting across the room
Controlling noise levels during group work
Engaging students who 'just don't see the point' in a subject
Giving feedback, efficient marking and showing progress
Refusal to start a task
Work life balance and time management