Strategies for ...
Calling out/shouting across the room:
- Strike/warning as per school policy
- Reminder
- Stare
- Hand up – wait – move on
- Pot of fairness (one voice)
- Tell them you have a hearing problem – you can only hear children who have their hands up
- Calling out tokens – 3 in lesson
- Blurt Chart – each child has 3 strikes - each time they shout out or speak when they aren’t supposed to they lose 1 point
- Praise those with their hands up
- “That would have been a really good answer, it’s a shame your hand wasn’t up"
- Ask them to write their comment/question on a whiteboard to show teacher
- Gems/stickers for hands up
- Don't use hands up to get answers
- Whiteboards for answers
- Use hands on nose as an alternative to hands up
- Seating plans
- Have a conversation and short of 'feed them' the answer, then go to the front and ask the question
- Make the students hold you accountable for not choosing someone who calls out
- Visual dial for the classroom: choice between hands up/shout out/I'm choosing
- Thank people who show the behaviour you expect
- Think, pair, share
- Tactical ignoring
- Lollipop sticks for random questioning
- Raffle tickets for hands up, for a prize