Strategies for ...
Giving feedback, efficient marking and showing progress:
- Use lesson time, dedicate it to feedback, use student work as exemplars
- www, ebi (what worked well, even better if)
- List of criteria, tick if met
- Grade for progress and effort
- Next steps
- Cold/hot writing shows progress - good to share with parents
- Codes for marking
- Put codes on board and children write in full in books and respond
- DIRT - Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time
- Pre unit test to compare with after teaching to show progress
- Table targets - all the students on this table ...
- What I know/what I want to know/what do I know now - to show progress
- Seesaw app - shows evidence and progress
- Have a proforma to fill in
- Magic bullet marking/whole class targets
- Improving a new piece of work