Strategies for ...
Getting the class back to you:
- Clap and repeat
- “Hocus, pocus, everbody focus!”
- Clapping – repeated clap
- Teacher: “Macaroni cheese.” Class: “Everybody freeze!”
- Shock factor – big noise
- “Clap once if you can hear me, clap twice if you can hear me ...”
- Search in google – countdown timer
- Tell a joke
- “Wake up, shake up”
- Short physical exercises
- Hold the silence
- Touching parts of body in turn – visual
- Praise
- You sit down and look at the clock
- Write or draw on board
- Teacher: “1, 2, 3, eyes on me” - Class: “1, 2, eyes on you”
- Teacher: “To infinity.” Class: “And beyond!”
- Sand timer
- Go outside
- Visual timer/countdown clock
- Stand up and play a game or shake out
- Shake bell for attention
- Separate off individual children who are looking and listening - bring them to you and give them a simple task - gradually work through the class - save the consequence for later
- Divide and conquer – can TA take the 5 children who are listening outside to work?
- Eyes on me. Countdown 5, 4, 3 … then praise those who do
- Bell or chime